Frank Mayo starred with Julia Hayne as the hero and heroine in Victor Hugo’s Ruy Blas. Booth appeared as Don Caesar de Bazan and Billy O’Neil reprised his favorite role of Paddy Miles in the Limerick Boy. But the heat wave was killing off the crowds. Notices in the paper reminded citizens of the winter when there were no theatre companies in rep and asked them to come out. — The Fourth Act of ‘Romance of a Poor Young Man’ has a scene where Mayo jumps off a tower to protect a woman in in whose tower he was accidentally locked – Comstockers loved the stunt. Billy O’Neil as the Happy Man brought down the house. A Husband’s Vengance; the rollicking Tom and Jerry, or Life in London which featured Captain Harry Lazarus and Young Haley who had a huge sword fight. Oliver Twist played on the weekend. — July 9, 1863 —