there’s no backing down now. Gillis is partly responsible. MTIVC pg 208 he’s still joking that any weapon will do – from axes and brickbats at three-quarters of a mile.
Sam writes a bitchy letter to the Golden Era in SF about VC
“Information Wanted” the landscape, he said, “looks some- thing like a singed cat.” A sketch attributed to the Local of the Enterprise complained of the scenery visible from the summit of Mount Davidson: On the north the eye falls on mountains; looking east, the view is more varied and we see-mountains; turning toward the south […]
the Union attacks Sam as a liar and a coward
Sam over the course a few days writes proper duel letters (though they’re full of insults) that the Union publisher and printer respond to with quick and long letters of response. Gillis will be Sam’s second in the duel. Gillis prods sam to keep pushing it. MTIVC pg 203