Telegraph operators were the forerunners of today’s cyber-wizards. Theirs was an often exciting life linked to the world via electric pulses.ย The 19th-century version of the computer geek was the telegraph operator. Eventually these professionals were highly regarded in the local business communities as vital. The Western Union Telegraph office in Virginia City was […]
Mining Industry
The Comstock Lode is one of the most important mining discoveries in American history, in output and in significance. It was the first major silver discovery in United States history: of the total ore taken out from the district, best estimates are that 57 per cent was silver, yet it was a considerable gold camp, […]
Chinese Labor
A mere twenty-one Chinese men lived in the western Great Basin in 1860. It was a humble beginning for immigrants who would compete for the title of largest immigrant group in nineteenth-century Nevada. One of the earliest descriptions of Chinese in the region places them in 1856 digging a ditch along the Carson River. Some […]