Julia Hayne’s Camille at VC’s Maguire’s Opera House did not rise to the level of Sarah Stark’s performance the summer before Preference for Stark’s company creeps in reviews still.
The Leighton Company wants to build its own comedy club
A small club theatre was built atop Rice and Livermore’s Store, leased by W.H. Leighton – called The Temple of Comedy to showcase Mrs. Leighton in three of her most famous characters, Sally Scraggs in ‘Sketches in India’ Betty Saunders in ‘the invincible farce’ of “Fool of the Family”, Angelica in the Yankee farce “A […]
East Lynne is the sensation of the winter
Mrs. Henry Wood’s East Lynne, or The Elopement was the most popular melodrama of the decade. Sam hated it thought it was cheap and manipulative overly sentimental and simplistic. One night, the boys in Johnny Burn’s Branch of the Maguire Theatre’s store front bar took the prop handcuffs from East Lynne and got them on […]