They know Maguire is about to bring awesome Negro show to town so the Opera House launches Alice the Forsaken; and the comedy club has “Our Female American Cousin” “Sketches in India” “Raising the Wind” — July 22, 1863 —
Maguire and Burns take over Topliffe’s
Johnny Burns and Maguire leased the dark Topliffe’s – Burns refurnished and expanded the gallery. Maguire’s Minstrels came back to VC from SF. Maguire appointed W.H. Smith as business manager; the Stage Manager job was granted to a black guy who had run the minstrel show named Walter Bray, the musical director job was given […]
the Great Star Company reunion and goodbye show
Virginia Howard, P.M. Westwood, James Stark … Came home for a farewell show before quitting the territory for good. — December 1, 1864 —