Sam says ‘Dawson says Daggett and Fitch with euchre you out of the nomination unless you make nice with your Carson enemies.” MT&OC pg 100 To no avail. Orion isn’t even on the list of nominees for the Legislature to pick from. He gets fucked over and forgotten.
Sam dismisses Adah’s abilities
in The Californian. he is in a horrible headspace. MTIVC 165
Sam crashes with Steve Gillis’ brother in the CA hills
Jim Gillis (23 yrs old) had a cabin like Thoreau’s where Bret Harte, poet Joaquin Miller often retreated to work. Sam experiments with form. Tries writing tangential essays like the Bohemians did. he tries writing short novel like Bret Harte did. He’s totally lost. He tried to find Mark Twain’s voice again listening to stories […]