On C Street they walk in and announce that the hotel is now her brothel and anyone who stays is to whore with her. the landlady smashed a stool over the pimp knocking him out. then she fought with Jo pulling hair and all three went to jail. MTIVC pg 140
Abe Lincoln writes to VC to stop the disinformation campaign
The Barons are setting up an Anti-State Organization funded and run like a campaign to spread lies. Including that becoming a state will help Jeff Davis. Becoming a state will bankrupt them all. It will tax the poor and reward the rich (the opposite was the case) it will put hacks in charge Joe Goodman […]
The papers fight out the politics of the ballot initiative
The TE wants it to pass, they want to join the union. the Union suddenly switch to nay. they both berated the Evening Bulletin as insignificant contemptible and stupid MTIVC pg 142 the Union only changed sides because it’s owner John Church didn’t get the nomination as state printer. the TE attacked them as unprincipled.