Sam and Steve make a break for it. Sam is bitter and angry to the end. His bluster is covering up how stupid he feels for letting it get so far out of control. They stop in Carson, pick up the money and head up through the Henness Pass to avoid people. MTIVC pg 210
Sam apologizes to Mollie
Twain apologizes to Mollie says he was drunk and the printing of the thing was a mistake but that he can’t apologize in public or it would ruin his career Mollie cherished being the de facto first lady. she wanted the glamour very badly. without jennie, it was all she had. with jennie it may […]
the Union attacks Sam as a liar and a coward
Sam over the course a few days writes proper duel letters (though they’re full of insults) that the Union publisher and printer respond to with quick and long letters of response. Gillis will be Sam’s second in the duel. Gillis prods sam to keep pushing it. MTIVC pg 203