A Gale – About 7 o’clock Tuesday evening…. “it is pleasant to reflect that they seized their carpet sacks and vacated the premises with an alacrity suited to the occasion.” the wind picked up shooting gallery, two lodging houses and a drug story and moved them 12 feet away. the the lodging houses were whore […]
Sam reports on an Indian Attack
“The Indian Troubles on the Overland Route” twelve or fifteen wagons arriving in VC – all but 5 moved on to California. Near Fort Hall indians attacked in daylight, six men and one woman was killed. They stole the livestock and horses. Fighting for hours, until they make a break through the lines, in the […]
Orion leaves for SF to meet the family
He’s going to be early everyone tells him. He goes early anyway. He’s built a mansion for her at great expense. Thanks to the document fee he’s doing okay and sending money home to his mother and funding Sam’s mining adventures.