Restaurants CHAPMANโS CHOP HOUSE — Mrs. G. Chapman, – – Proprietress. / The choicest Steaks, most delicious Coffee, good Cooks, Attentive Waiters, and Moderate Prices are the attractive features of this Establishment. Barnum Restaurant, cor B and Sutton Av CHAPMAN’S CHOP HOUSE, north B, (see ad p 64) Cowles G. W. M. 78 south C […]
Gold Hill Hotel
This building is the original stone and brick edifice erected on the site of the first recorded claim on what became the Comstock Lode May 1, 1859. One of the earliest hotels it housed miners and notables offering lodging, tavern and barbershop. First hotel on the Comstock built. 1859. Early transient shelter was taken in […]
Boston Saloon
A bar for blacks. Between 1864 and 1875, a remarkable business thrived directly behind building. Free-born William C. Brown operated his Boston Saloon, serving Virginia Cityโs African Americans. Archeologists have revealed that Brown offered his customers finely prepared meals with the best cuts of meat. Also, he offered New Orleans flavoring known as Tabasco Sauce. […]