This date was the ultimatum date for the survey that would have Orion outmaneuver CA Gov Leland Stanford and his emissary Judge Robinson. Orion has for 3 months avoided more bloodshed and he kept the more valuable properties in the Nevada Territory. MT&OC pg 78 By painting the pro-california elements in Esmeralda County as southern […]
Sam reports on a murder of friends
while he was writing a letter home to his mom and sister he wrote a postscript that he just heard 5 gunshots and had to go see what happened.. His report is called “Horrible Affair” John Campbell murdered two policemen, Dennis McMahon and Thomas Reed. They were friends of his. The killer ran and hid […]
Sam reports on a murder
while he was writing a letter home to his mom and sister he wrote a postscript that he just heard 5 gunshots and had to go see what happened.. His report is called “Horrible Affair” John Campbell murdered two policemen, Dennis McMahon and Thomas Reed MTINVC – pg 43