Mrs. Leighton starred in a city-funded Grand Complimentary Benefit where she starred in All That Glitters is Not Gold. Woodhull sang a song. Mrs. Perry did a fancy dance. They closed with a quick farce called “Fool of the Family.”
Stark incorporates his mining company
Stark incorporates his mining concern, investing $10,000. Sarah Stark leaves her husband and goes back to SF to begin acting again. “when an eminently successful actor gave up a paying profession to take up the uncertainties of mining, he must either be ill or out of his mind”
The Queen of Comedy company takes over Topliffe’s Theatre
The Queen of Comedy and Company moved into Topliffe’s Theatre. Her husband, Mr. W.H. Leighton took over managerial duties, appointed A.R. Phelps the sage manager, and G.L. Graves head of the promotion committee. A. Fischer was already the leader of the orchestra. The promotion committee worked with the manager on lining up benefits – a […]