The first push to make Nevada Territory a state originated from within the territory, without prior authorization from Congress. On September 2, 1863 the voters of the territory approved of the concept of statehood by the overwhelming margin of 6,660 votes to only 1,502. To implement this, on November 2, 1863, thirty-nine delegates met to […]
Valley Times
In a storied journalism history that includes Mark Twain and Dan De Quille, national figures such as Hank Greenspun, and renowned newspapers like Virginia City’s Territorial Enterprise, the Valley Times has a place among Nevada’s most controversial and important newspapers. The publication began as a weekly, the North Las Vegas and Moapa Valley Times, on […]
Sagebrush School
The main contribution to American literature from Nevada’s mining frontier, 1859 to 1914, was the writing of the Sagebrush School. It was a major contribution, more important than other, better-known regional movements. Like New England’s transcendentalism, the Sagebrush School was a loose, somewhat informal association of writers. In this case it refers to authors who […]