Thomas Maguire can’t collect the $10,000 he paid Forrest for his aborted tour as Othello, Maguire is forced to bring SF minstrel shows to fill dates at the large house. He gradually sells shares to the next-door saloon owner John Piper, who changed the name to Piper’s Opera House. Maguire leaves.
Sam returns home a success
His tour made him great money and he felt ready to come East. Aboard the America. He arranged with John McComb’s Alta California to be that paper’s roving correspondent. MT&OC pg 115 He didn’t make a fortune like the premonition in NOLA said, but he accomplished Orion’s dream with success.
Sam lectures in SF
Overcoming his fear he finally did Orion’s lifelong ambition, become a professional speaker. MT&OC pg 115 Packed house in SF. the success begat a tour of CA and Nevada. From the interplay of lecturer and listeners he bodied out more fully than before the unique persona he had created. That bold, impudent, roguish character had […]